Young Scientist Best Lecture Prize
awarded to Michael Meindlhumer
Our colleague, Dr. mont. Michael Meindlhumer was awarded with the “Young Scientist Best Prize” for his presentation entitled
In situ X-ray Nanodiffraction Analysis of Multiaxial Stress-Strain Transfer across an Indenter-Sample Interface during in situ Indentation
held at the
12th European NESY Winterschool & Symposium on Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation
Congratulations to Dr. Meindlhumer for this Award!

Dr. Michael Meindlhumer was awarded the
Award of Excellence
Dr. mont. Michael Meindlhumer was rewarded with the
“Award of Excellence” (Staatspreis für die besten Dissertationen)
for his dissertation entitled
“Cross-sectional and High-Temperature Structure-Property Relationships in Nanocrystalline Thin Films”
by the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research. This prize is awarded annually to 40 selected, outstanding, and best-rated dissertations. The award ceremony had to be cancelled due to the current situation.
Congratulations to Dr. Meindlhumer!

Dipl.-Ing Sabine Bodner was awarded a
Science prize by Montanuniversität Leoben
Montanuniversität Leoben has awarded a science prize to female scientists in the three categories Postdoc, Praedoc and Junior Scientist. We are very proud to announce that Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Bodner is the award winner in the Praedoc category.
This science prize was awarded for the second time, thereby the university wants to honour female scientist for their innovative research. Moreover, the success of the award winners should motivate young females for science and technology.
Sabine Bodner is working on the development of additively manufactured multilayer materials and gradient structures. In this new field of research, the aim is to design and improve a new class of materials that are built up by alternately printed layers of at least two different materials. Combining different materials in this innovative way provides unique properties and paths the way for realising biomimetic concepts with metallic materials and also enables the improvement of basic materials. As the different materials can be selected specifically, well aimed multiscale functionality design can be implemented.
Congratulations to this achievement!

Dr. Michael Meindlhumer was awarded the
Graduate Student Award Bronze Medal at ICMCTF 2021
Dr. Michael Meindlhumer, former PhD Student at the Department of Material Science, now at the Erich-Schmid Institute for Materials Science, was awarded the Graduate Student Award Bronze Medal at the Virtual International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2021 Virtual Conference, 26.-30. of April 2021) for his work entitled
Nanoscale Synchrotron Characterization of Microstrucutre and Stress Evolution in Thin Films using Millisecond X-ray Diffraction
In his work, Dr. Meindlhumer investigated several aspects of the stress and microstructure variations accumulated in thin films accompanying thermal and mechanical loading.
Congratulations to this achievment!